Friday, February 23, 2018

Happy Chanukah and Shabbat Shalom

Tonight we light the 4th flame. I picture a Chanukah Menorah, named Chanukiah, half-full with candles standing straight and tall. The flames are chasing away more and more darkness. The room is becoming brighter. Tall and straight in a row as if at attention-like soldiers. The fight for freedom demanded courageous response by the ancient Hasmoneans. Warriors on our behalf in ancient times safeguarded our lives. In our modern lives our servicemen and servicewomen place themselves in hazardous circumstances to secure our lives and well-being. As a Shul we remember Alex Lichtenfeld, Jake Treichel, Dan Feirman and Lydia Losch ( and if there are any active or reserve duty personnel in any branch whom I have unintentionally excluded,I apologize and request your forbearance…and request that you contact me). And we in our lives today owe a great debt to our soldiers and sailors. Tonight, as we all kindle our flames ,say a prayer for the safety of all our armed forces and take stock of the blessings we have by living in a land safeguarded by our military services.
Happy Chanukah and Shabbat Shalom.

      ** P.S. We light Chanukah candles first and then Shabbas candles. If we light Shabbas candles then Shabbas has started and we cannot
 light Chanukah flames. 
Remember the order- Chanukah flames first and then Shabbas candles.

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