Friday, February 23, 2018

Happy 8th night of Chanukah -5778

 In a few hours we will kindle our 8 candles. Joyous Chanukah is in full swing and now we reflect upon all that we have shared and learned over this past week. Chanukah, our Jewish holiday, is the first recorded war fought for religious freedom, a lesson for any freedom-loving community. Miracles abound; the oil lasted for an extra 7 days, the Hasmoneans FOUND the oil, the Hasmoneans triumphed over a superior foe, Jewish people looked inside themselves and found a special reserve of courage and were willing to enter into combat for the sake of making better future for their children. Let us not forget that Israel, known by the name JUDEA, was a small state and completely under the power of the Greek- speaking Syrians. We must remember that after the battles of Chanukah, Judea came into its own as an independent state and Jews lived freely for 80-100 years. Gradually, Roman influence began to increase throughout the Middle East and eventually Judea succumbed to Roman control. The fact remains the Judeans were independent for about 3 generations. Independence of a small nation for even this brief period of time should be added to the list of ancient miracles. In our own lifetime we have seen a free Israel emerge.  This upcoming April 18( 5 Iyyar 5778) we mark the 70th anniversary of Israel’s life. 

        We can never take Israel for granted and we must appreciate the significance of a free, democratic, modern Jewish homeland. Tonight, as we light our candles, say a special blessing of gratitude for our homeland's being free.

        Click on the attached link and enjoy some Israeli Chanukah experiences. Enjoy a view from above the Kotel and imagine seeing a ChanukIAH made out of torches.

https://www.itraveljerusalem. com/article/hanukkah-in- jerusalem/

Happy Chanukah and may we all continue to celebrate!

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