“Because I said so.” As children we got fed up when we heard this phrase and we promised ourselves that if we ever became parents we would never repeat these words.
As parents and as adults there are times when we mention these words. How do we verbalize caution, perspective and love - all of which emerge from our heartfelt concern for people who are much less experienced in the ways of a world which may be unfeeling, unfamiliar and threatening? How do we explain our sense of tremendous responsibility for those who are less aware of pitfalls and obstacles; applying all of the accumulated wisdom of our life experience in a sudden judgment call?
It is not that we adults are fundamentally close-minded or committed to having no fun – it is that as a result of all that we have learned and experienced we want to safeguard those who will someday stand in our place, those who will someday walk into the future, carrying a bit of us along with them. It’s difficult to hear ‘because I said so’ because it indicates that the audience may appear to be uneducated or uninformed. That rubs people the wrong way because nobody wants to perceive himself as uninformed.
This week’s Torah reading is named Aykev which means ’as a result of’ or ‘because’. It opens the portion which is a speech uttered by Moses. Moses is speaking to a crowd which never experienced Egypt because it grew up in the wilderness. Moses, having encountered God, Pharaoh, survived an edict of expulsion and lived in the desert for many years, had wisdom to share and did not hesitate to share it with the Israelites.
We, too, can offer our experience to others so that they can benefit from our experiences. We, the bearers of our own traditions can share that legacy with those younger than ourselves. More importantly, we can share our commitment to God and Judaism with those coming along after us. Who better to influence descendants and other loved ones in the ways of Jewish life than loved ones and ancestors?
Shabbat shalom.
Rabbi Steve Silberman
Remember, Dinner tomorrow at shul 6:00-6:30 p.m. and our monthly abbreviated service(Aug.7) 6:45-7:15. You MUST RSVP to the office by 9:00a.m. tomorrow morning if interested in dinner!!
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