What does the NAACP have to do with a Sunday morning breakfast at Shul? Togetherness! On Sunday, August 23, from 9:30-10:00a.m., breakfast kicks off our Religious School year. Breakfast is not only for the students. It’s a method of our coming together and reminding ourselves that we all have a vested interest in promoting Jewish identity and knowledge for all who are within our community.
Most certainly, our children have an opportunity to embrace their Jewish tradition. But learning and understanding Judaism only takes root if all of us demonstrate that we care about our each other. This year all members of our shul are invited to breakfast. Come to Shul, eat and demonstrate your support of all of us. You just need to RSVP to the office by Thursday afternoon at 5:00p.m.!
NAACP is hosting an education forum on Thursday Aug. 20, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.in Bernheim Hall of the Ben May Library. I have been asked to share a few thoughts about the importance of educating our community’s children. A number of clergy, representing different faiths, will be speaking. The goal of this event is to motivate people of different religious traditions to care for Mobile ’s children. All of Mobile ’s children are deserving of a quality education.
A common thread unites the NAACP event on Thursday and the breakfast on Sunday morning; coming together to show we care for our children. There is nothing more important than being together. And some day when our children grow older they will be supporting us. Togetherness involves us all. Let us all get together so that in the years ahead, our kids will know they need to be together with us.
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