It’s summer; a time for relaxing at the beach with family and friends. It’s hot and we all need to catch our breaths and escape the heat. Summer is a natural time for slowing down. Summer should not be a time for intense mourning. We have just lost four Marines and one sailor to a vicious attack and I am left with feelings of rage, confusion and deep hurt.
We need to come together to lend ourselves and each other our presence and our comfort. We need to come together as Americans and Jews.
Saturday night July 25th is Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av is a time for grieving collectively. As Jews, we lost our freedom TWICE! Babylonia conquered Jerusalem and enslaved our ancestors. Eventually, we regained a measure of freedom, only to be conquered and enslaved by Rome hundreds of years later. Ever since, Tisha B’Av has marked a season of sadness in the middle of a summer season; offering us an alternative method of recharging our spiritual batteries by coming together for mutual support.
Please join me on Saturday, July 25th. We will have a brief service including a memorial for our four Marines and one sailor. Feel free to have a bite beforehand and join us at shul from 8:30- 9:30 P.M. Havdalah, always uplifting, will introduce us to a new week; a week of mixed sentiment, a time to mourn together and a time to grow.
May we all be blessed with shalom.
Our prayers go out to all the families of our armed forces who have suffered great loss. Our prayers join theirs.
Rabbi Steve Silberman
~Our Ritual committee is planning High Holiday services. Anyone who would like an honor is requested to contact the office~
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