Friday, December 1, 2017

Torah Tidbits

Torah Tidbits and Haftarah Highlights

By Rabbi Steven Silberman

(All page numbers refer to Etz Hayim)

Dec. 2 - Parshat Vayishlach - pp. 206-213 Terrifyingly, Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, is raped in this reading. How does Jacob respond to the rape of his lone daughter? How do her brothers respond?

Haftarat Vayishlach - pp. 222-225 This is the shortest book in the entire Bible! It is one chapter long! Obadiah famously speaks to Edom which is the tribe that emerges from Esau (Jacob’s twin brother). Edom is kin to Israel. Why is a Haftarah directed to a non-Jewish tribe which is distantly related to the Jewish people?

Dec. 9 - Parshat Vayeshev - pp. 233-237 One of the most ‘Soap Oper-istic’ passages ever. Judah is faced with a tough choice. Does he allow his daughter-in-law who had sexual relations outside of marriage to live or does he admit to being the culprit who got her pregnant?

Haftarat Vayeshev - pp. 247-249 Amos is famous! (Like the rhyme?) The first prophet in the Book of Prophets is fastidious about justice. He demands that Israel live a life of justice and decency. Intriguingly, he begins his speech directed towards Israel in a strange manner. Check out the second paragraph in the introduction on p. 246. The second sentence is very surprising!

Dec. 16 - CHANUKAH Parshat Miketz – pp. 257-265 Abraham and Isaac suffer from drought and famine and they temporarily move to another locale. How does Joseph respond to drought? What is different about Joseph and his lifestyle as a result of the drought?

Haftarat Miketz - pp. 1270-1272 This Haftarah speaks about a High Priest named Joshua. Why do we read this passage from a fairly unknown prophet named Zechariah?

Dec. 23 - Parshat Vayigash - pp. 279-282 Jacob travels to Egypt to reunite with Joseph. What does he do? How is he named as he begins this process? Haftarat Vayigash - pp. 291-292 The Haftarah describes a union between Joseph’s offspring tribe ( Efraim) and Judah? Why is this Haftarah paired with this Torah reading?

Dec. 30 - Parshat Vayechi - pp. 298-305 This is the last portion in the book of Bereisheet/Genesis. Elderly Jacob speaks to his sons as he anticipates his death. How do you view these final words? (blessings…/ something else?)

Haftarat Vayechi - pp. 313-314 David speaks to his son Solomon. What connects the Parshah to the Haftarah?

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