Friday, January 6, 2017

Shabbat Thoughts- Parshat Vayigash, 5777

It's January 5 and echoes of “Happy New Year” remain in our ears. Some of us have taken it easy and remained at home and others have vacationed. Who would not enjoy a ski getaway in picturesque Montana ? We all might contact Sherry Spencer to rent a condo in a charming and upscale development. How many of us would refrain from doing business with her because her son Richard, whose National Policy Institute came to light last month when Spencer shouted “hailed Trump”,  saluted in a manner reminiscent of Hitler ? Since Spencer lives part-time in Whitefish and he publicly called for a “minority free Ethno state” and is  assertive of  white pride, the small town of Whitefish has become home to a vocal anti-Semitism as well as a community-based effort to promote human rights ,diversity and tolerance . A gathering promoting “love, not hate “will be held in downtown Whitefish on Saturday, January 7 with refreshments being served remarks being made by local leaders of diverse backgrounds and music shared by local native American talent. People are stepping forward to claim their homes and community as a place of life and friendship. Tragically, people are stepping forward in support of Spencer and of man named Anglin who has established a website named the Daily Stormer.

     Anglin charges that the “criminal Jews of Whitefish and their racketeering cartel“ are “running the town.” He also calls the Montana Human Rights Network and the organizers of Love Lives Here terrorists. He has publicly identified on his website local Jewish people and supporters of Love Lives Here  as well as supportive merchants and requested that readers of the Daily Stormer call these people and these merchants and boycott them and pressure them. Anglin boasts he has made plans to import skinheads from as far away as San Francisco and is planning a march in two week; a march of 200 people with hunting rifles walking through downtown Whitefish ( Montana has liberal open carry laws).

     Local members of LLH and the MHR Network are claiming harassment by readers of the Daily Stormer. Fear is raising a very real head in Whitefish Montana as racists are preparing to step forward against the Jews and their friends who are devoted to maintaining a presence of humanity, respect and openness. These are very real and frightening times!

     This week’s Parsha, known as Vayigash, begins with the Hebrew word "and he stepped forward". Judah  faces off with a masquerading Joseph, seated upon the  Viceroy’s throne. Not knowing with whom he is speaking, Judah challenges Joseph to allow Benjamin to live in freedom and Judah even offers to accept slavery in Benjamin's stead in order that Ben be repatriated to Canaan. Judah must have been terrified but he stood his ground and ultimately, protected his younger brother. We have brothers, right now in Whitefish, standing with us  and protecting us. We must remain vocal, and vigilant.
 Shabbat Shalom,
 Rabbi Steve Silberman

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