Friday, December 2, 2016

Shabbat Thoughts- Torah Tidbits December 2016

It's Nov. 29. Five days ago as wildfires swept across northern Israel, Palestinian and Israeli firefighters began to combat flames together. Standing shoulder to shoulder these soldiers against destruction risked their lives for the sake of preserving Israeli life and property. Who could imagine that Palestinians would ever risk their lives to safeguard Israelis? For too long, we have seen too much evidence of hatred between Palestinians and Israelis, hostility and conflict being the norm. To be sure, some Arab media sources have proclaimed delight over the burning of flames across Israel and have called for celebration. But let those voices only be a minority. Let the voices of destruction during cooperation be too few to be significant.

Instead, share your voice of delight and pride in the cooperation of Palestinians and Israelis. Sing to the world that those who are called enemies are fighting together. Inform everyone you encounter that 40 Palestinian firefighters and 8 trucks were shared with Israeli first responders in order that safety and security be better ensured.

It's Nov. 29. 69 years ago the United Nations General Assembly issued a call for partition of Palestine into a Jewish homeland and a homeland for Arabs. Arabs the world over roundly rejected this offer. Jews accepted the offer and extended hands in a desire for coexistence. Now 7 decades later, against the backdrop of too much violence and distrust,we see heroic Palestinians, not only risking their lives in combating flame, but also risking their lives by stepping forward to save Jews.

We live in a world of confusion and danger; a world of opportunity to care for others-even those formerly labelled "enemies". We live in a time of bluster and sarcasm,a world of instant communication with the power to uplift and console instead of ridiculing and insulting. How shall we conduct our lives with our neighbors and coworkers, with Democrats and Republicans? On this Partition day I choose to look to Palestinians and Israelis who came together to save people, not concerned with who the people are but concerned with the people themselves.

How shall we emulate their example?

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