Shalom Y’all!
1)Looking forward to seeing you at the Sisterhood reception from 5:00-7:00 p.m. tomorrow evening (Tuesday). Enjoy some wine and cheese and get reacquainted. Hope you already RSVP’d.
2) Reminder- Cantor Adinah Ackerman will be here for Shabbas services on Friday and Saturday, Sep.11-12 as a BONUS before Rosh Hashanah! Come and enjoy her beautiful voice during the services!
For those not on Facebook (where I have been posting) you might enjoy a meditation to be pondered during the week ahead. Check out our Facebook page.
Ahavas Chesed Synagogue. ( AhavasChesedSynagoge?ref=py_c )
Meditation 1) Do we just expect to walk into a New Year as if nothing has changed in our lives in the previous year? If we Jews want Rosh Hashanah to mean something we need to prepare for the season. One traditional method is to meditate upon Psalm 27 from now forward; from today until the end of Sukkot. Perhaps ponder the phrase "God is my light and my help." Each of us experiences darkness differently. How does light describe your connection with God?
With wishes for you to have a morning filled with light and light which continues onward into your moments of darkness-Rabbi Steve Silberman
With wishes for you to have a morning filled with light and light which continues onward into your moments of darkness-Rabbi Steve Silberman
Meditation 2) Another phrase calls out to me - "One thing I seek -to dwell in the House of God''. What's the prescribed course of action for you and me to enter God's house? Is the method the same for people of different religions? I would say yes.
God does not discriminate against people. Living a life marked by love, respect, self-respect, honesty, tenderness, Tzedakah and integrity includes some of the necessary ingredients for us to arrive at this truly awesome destination. Just imagine being welcomed into God's own living room! Wow! Talk about 'rocking the house down!' By the way- I do not think this refers to death; rather profound spiritual clarity and connectedness. May we all do what we need to make it there! Let's start our spiritual engines!
Lila tov- Have a good night! Rabbi Steve Silberman
Lila tov- Have a good night! Rabbi Steve Silberman
Meditation 3) One week to go until Rosh Hashanah. Tonight I am drawn to a phrase from Psalm 27, which is read twice daily at this season. “God will hide me in the Divine shelter in a time of fear and conceal me within God’s own tent.” If I am in God’s own tent why do I need to hide? I would be utterly protected in God’s own place! Perhaps it is because when I fear, I feel like running away. The Psalm recognizes this. Even if I make it into God’s own place it’s difficult to change old patterns. The Psalm reassures us that God is on our sides and will help us to overcome fear even as we are crippled by old habits. As a New Year dawns let us commit ourselves to fearing less and not needing to hide. L’shanah Tovah- Rabbi Steve Silberman
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