Friday, September 23, 2016

Shabbat Thoughts

 Tonight Israel is playing Great Britain in a baseball elimination game in Brooklyn! Israel is a favorite in this level of competition. Also playing are Pakistan and Brazil. Hosted by the World Baseball Competition, this particular series of games over the upcoming weekend is part of an extensive series of double elimination games. Twelve teams which played in 2013 are already set to take part in March 2017. The last 4 qualifiers include Israel!

      Most of the players on the teams are semi-pro. Check out this Facebook post courtesy of the Israel Association of Baseball.  The games will be streamed on the website

      It is exciting to see Israel nearly at the head of the class in yet another endeavor. Time and again, she distinguishes herself. We have grown accustomed to seeing her achievements in fields of engineering, aerospace research, medicine, robotics, hydrology and more. This weekend, just a week before Rosh Hashanah when we anticipate newness and achievement, we may see Israel excel, taking top honors and earning a place in the World Baseball Competition in March 2017.

      Speaking of being at the head of the class, a phrase from this week’s Torah reading named Kee Tavo, comes to mind. “God will make you the head and not the tail” (Deut. 28:13). This overall parshah does not have anything specific to do with Rosh Hashanah. However, the thought that God wants us to succeed is very uplifting! What a compliment it is that God is going to make each of us a head! The fact that this verse is being read in Shuls all over the world as the Israel Baseball team prepares to make history nearly on Erev Rosh Hashanah may be more than coincidence!
      Wow!  May we all be the head and not the tail!

     As you know, it is traditional to dip Challah or apples or both into honey at Rosh Hashanah mealtimes and say 'You are blessed Godfor creating the bread which comes forth from the ground’ (or the apples which grow on trees)' and then say 'May this be a sweet new year.'

     Thereafter, some Jews say ‘May we be the Rosh and not the tail.’

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ten ways we can prepare for and enhance our Rosh Hashanah

Ten ways we can prepare for and enhance our Rosh Hashanah Experience-
1) Psalm 27 is traditionally recited at this season. Choose one phrase and mull it over twice per day.
2) Incorporate honey as a condiment or flavoring at every meal until Oct.25 (Simchas Torah ends).Be creative in your cooking. Have a sweet year!
3) Carry a small memento, piece of jewelry or snapshot from a loved one with you as you enter Synagogue for services. Reflect upon what you have learned from that person.
4) Call a friend or acquaintance with whom you haven't spoken and have a good and caring conversation.
5) Observe the Moon's phases over the next two weeks and remember that we Jews have been telling time in this way for 3,000 years.
6) Wish your loved ones L'Shanah Tova Tikateivu (means May you be inscribed for a good year) with Hebrew words instead of saying Happy New Year which doesn't mean the same thing.
7) Sing a little louder in Synagogue and don't be so self-conscious!
8) Invite a friend to your home and watch this video together.  (Fountainheads is the group’s name )

9) Donate Tzedakah to a Jewish organization which you have not yet supported.
10) Commit to eat in the Sukkah at least once this year!

Rosh Hashanah is nearly upon us! Jewish tradition associates Rosh Hashanah with the creation of the universe. Such an association is very insightful. A threshold into Yom Kippur whereby we are challenged to improve our lives through seeking and granting forgiveness, Rosh Hashanah celebrates the sum total of all reality. Moral and spiritual improvement of and by Jews is connected to the entire universe. Put another way, the universe is the physical scaffold upon which we Jews are obligated to improve our lives! May this year of 5777 be a year of moral and spiritual improvement for us all, influencing all reality which surrounds us! L’shanah Tova Tikateivu! –Rabbi Steven Silberman

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Jewish Idea- Drop and GIVE ME 22!

A few days ago I learned of the 22 push-up challenge; the goal being to sensitize us to the tragic loss of 22 veterans every day. Many of our soldiers and sailors have experienced extreme trauma while serving our nation and assuring us a life of peace and security. Some veterans, overwhelmed by stress, feel they have no options and tragically end their lives.
     While the actual number of suicides of veterans has been of some discussion in the media, what truly matters is that we be sensitive to the extreme stress under which our servicemen and servicewomen operate. If each one of us paused just a few moments per day to take stock and to appreciate all that our veterans have sacrificed in order that we might live more securely, it would change our entire nation.
     The past few days I have been doing push-ups. Unaccustomed to push-ups, I have slowly progressed from 20 to 21. This morning, with some grunting I managed to do 22. It has certainly been a challenge. I do not need to post these exertions on the web. For me, doing some difficult exercise is a small symbol of some of the extreme difficulties encountered by our military personnel every day. While I attempt a push–up, I shake my head in wonderment over personnel who deploy away from their families for a year and place themselves in very hazardous conditions so that we might live more comfortably and freely.
     Over the past few days, I have begun to recite a particular Psalm. For the past 2,000 years, Psalm 27 has been a doorway into the month leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. As we spiritually prepare for entering a new year and bidding farewell to the previous year, we are ever-desirous of an improved spiritual condition. Reviewing the words of Psalm 27 prompts me to prioritize. For a few moments every day I ask myself to consider what is truly important; to dwell in the house of God, to conquer fear and to examine my interactions between myself and others whom I hold dear.
     The 22 push-up program challenges us to pause for a few moments every day to consider the importance of veterans and our shared relationship with them and dependence upon them. Let us also take note of where we are in our calendar and our daily life. As Rosh Hashanah approaches please consider meditating upon Psalm 27.  Over the next six weeks reflect upon one verse per day. It may open your heart and mind as we gather in Shul to greet our new year.

Rabbi Steve Silberman

 You, Lord, are the light that keeps me safe.
I am not afraid of anyone.
    You protect me, and I have no fears. Brutal people may attack
 and try to kill me, but they will stumble.
Fierce enemies may attack, but they will fall. Armies may surround me but I won’t be afraid; war may break out, but I will trust you.
 I ask only one thing, Lord: Let me live in your house, every day of my life
    to see how wonderful you are & to pray in your temple.
 In times of trouble, you will protect me.
You will hide me in your tent and keep me safe
. You will raise me above all of my enemies. I will celebrate, as I enter your tent singing.
    Please listen when I call! Answer my prayer. My heart seeks you. I am eager to see your face, don’t turn from me in anger. You alone keep me safe.
    Don’t reject me or leave me. Even if my father and mother
may leave me, you will take care of me.
 Teach me to follow, Lord, and lead me on the right path.
     Don’t let my enemies do to me what they want.
People tell lies about me and make terrible threats, but I know I will live
 to see how kind you are.
Trust the Lord! Be brave and strong and trust the Lord.

(Contemporary English Version- modified)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Shabbat Thoughts- You Cheated!

We all cheat. We may not want to admit it but we all cheat. Taking a second or third serving of a dessert, stealing a glance at a cell phone while driving, missing a workout session at the gym – we all cheat. I don't like thinking of myself as a cheater. I see myself as being honest and I imagine you do as well. The question is... “Does cheating in small ways prompt bigger cheating?”
We all encourage our children to never cheat on tests. Parents may get very upset over a small infraction such as an allegation of cheating by glancing at a schoolmate’s homework but most parents give very little thought to exceeding the speed limit by 5 miles per hour. How do we reconcile our diligence in preaching against the ills of classroom cheating with our own tendency to speed or to include a ‘few’ personal expenses in our business deductions?
This week’s Parsha is called R-ay. It opens with one of the most famous verses in the entire Torah.
“Look, today I give you blessing and curse.”(Deut. 11:26). Each of us is faced with dozens of choices every day. How we steer our way through those choices is up to us. Parents, friends, TV and the latest trends all influence our behavior. Torah offers us a different influence. Ask yourself ‘How does this choice incline me to a blessing? How does this choice lead me towards a negative spiritual experience?’
The guilt of a “near miss” accident due to texting and the anxiety over cheating on taxes contribute to a hollowing out of our spirits. Is this how we wish to live our lives?
May we all grow in the opportunity of bringing Brachah into our lives and the lives of others on a daily basis.
Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Steve Silberman